Sunday, November 27, 2011

Compression using 7z

ultra = 7z a -t7z /home/file.7z /home/file -mx9
max = 7z a -t7z /home/file.7z /home/file -mx7
normal = 7z a -t7z /home/file.7z /home/file -mx5
fast = 7z a -t7z /home/file.7z /home/file -mx3
fastest = 7z a -t7z /home/file.7z /home/file -mx1
no = 7z a -t7z /home/file.7z /home/file -mx0

to extract
7z x file.7z

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

display or view dns cache entries

#rndc dumpdb -all
#more /etc/namedb/named_dump.db

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Dynamic ip with permanent DNS


vi /etc/dhclient.conf
supersede domain-name-servers x.x.x.x , y.y.y.y ;

x.x.x.x = dns-server-1
y.y.y.y = dns-server-2

Ubuntu :

root@mail:~# more /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf
request subnet-mask, broadcast-address, time-offset, routers, host-name, ntp-servers;
supersede domain-name "";
prepend domain-name-servers;

enable ssh in backtrack

#/etc/init.d/ssh start
#netstat -an | grep 22

Monday, January 10, 2011

steps to perform the CPU MMU upgrade

old setting

XSCF> showboards -a

XSB DID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault

---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------

00-0 00(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 0

00-1 01(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 1

00-2 01(01) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 1

00-3 03(03) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

01-0 02(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 2

01-1 03(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

01-2 03(01) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

01-3 00(01) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 0

new setting

XSCF> showboards -a

XSB DID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault

---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------

00-0 00(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 0

00-1 01(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 1

00-2 01(01) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 1

00-3 03(02) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

01-0 02(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 2

01-1 03(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

01-2 03(01) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

01-3 03(03) Assigned y y y Passed Normal Domain 3

XSCF> showdevices -d 0

XSCF> showdevices -d 3

XSCF> showdcl -d 0


00 Running

00 00-0

01 01-3

XSCF> showdcl -d 3


03 Running

00 01-1

01 01-2

02 00-3

XSCF> setdcl -d 3 -a 3=01-03

XSCF> showdcl -d 3


03 Running

00 01-1

01 01-2

02 00-3

03 01-3

XSCF> moveboard -d 3 -c assign 01-03

XSB#01-3 will be assigned to DomainID 0 immediately. Continue?[y|n] :y

Start unconfiguring XSB from domain.

Unconfigured XSB from domain.

XSB power off sequence started. [1200sec]


Operation has completed.

XSCF> showboards -d 3

XSB DID(LSB) Assignment Pwr Conn Conf Test Fault

---- -------- ----------- ---- ---- ---- ------- --------

00-0 00(00) Assigned y y y Passed Normal

01-3 00(01) Assigned y n n Passed Normal

XSCF> addboard -c configure -d 3 01-03

XSB#01-3 will be configured into DomainID 0. Continue?[y|n] :y

Initial diagnosis started. [1800sec]

0..... 30..... 60..... 90....end

Initial diagnosis has completed.

Start configuring XSB to domain.

Configured XSB to domain.

XSCF> showboards -d 3

XSCF> showdevices -d 3

setdcl –d 0 –r 01

XSCF> showdcl -d 0

XSCF> showboards –d 0

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Linux - change brightness

reference :

This worked for my X61:
Once your brightness keys work, you can set the brightness by writing to the procfs:

# echo 100 > /proc/acpi/video/VID/LCD0/brightness

using a script and acpid events.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Linux - Burn CD using command cdrecord

cdrecord -v -dao -eject speed=8 dev=1,0,0 file.iso