Friday, April 10, 2009

How to install / add font in Ubuntu

Actually I'm quite new using GIMP, because before this I'm more familiar with Photoshop. Today one of my problem make me learn how to install font in Ubuntu. Like Windows, we just can copy and paste the font into C:\Windows\Font directory. But in Ubuntu , it take several steps to make it done. Anyway, it's much better to know both ways , I mean in Windows and Ubuntu, or Linux generally. So, here you go:

To install common Microsoft Truetype font, you can use either APT or Synaptic Package's just depend on your choice..but for me I prefer to use APT because I always open my shell..hehe..this font already embedded in repositories..that's why we just can fetch it easily..

$sudo apt-get install msttcorefonts texlive-fonts-extra

For single user ( only user A will have the font instead of all user in the system)

$cd /home/username

1.make directory name ".font" if it does not exist. Else just change current directory to this one.

$mkdir .fonts

2. copy the font into this directory:

$cp fontname.ttf .fonts/

3. tell the system about new font:

$fc-cache -f -v

fc-cache : Build font information cache files

-f : Force re-generation of apparently up-to-date cache files, over‐
riding the timestamp checking.

-v : Display status information while busy

*refer to man

For all user in the system

1. copy the font into /usr/local/share/fonts/ directory
2. give fc-cache -f -v command
3. done

And now open your text editor , go to font side, and check your installed font. Walla! It should appear.. ;)

reference :

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